HI. I am trying to develop a model to see how some factors from three domain of resources- Social, Cognitive, Non-cognitive affects the peoples CP. I have many such latent factors from each of the resources and measured them through test items. I then did EFA of data to identify and validate the factors of each resources separately. Next I did CFA of those latent factors again separately for each resources. Finally i did the path analysis taking all latent factors together to explore how it predict the CP

  • My questions/doubts are:
  • 1) Is it necessary to run the EFA and CFA taking all resources together before doing the path analysis of all resources with CP? As CFA is compulsory step before doing path analysis.
  • 2) Is there any statistical or logical error in my path analysis (please see the attachment sl no 5)?
  • 3) Is there any other better way to develop my model? Please suggest me if I am missing any steps or not?
  • 4) Any comments regarding the fitness score of my model???

Its very difficult to explain what i actually mean so i am attaching a part of my data analysis and questions/doubts with this question. Please go through it and help me out. I am very new to statistics so need my fellow researchers'/professors' help.

Thank you.

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