In one experiment we used 4.5 kg of autoclaved pellets and 60% SnO2 content which had been crushed with 8-15 mm granules in a ratio of 0.45 kg k / kg SnO2. The materials were loaded into a cylindrical incineration chamber with 180 mm diameter and 600 mm height(blast furnace or water – Jaket, cubilou sistem ) with bottom burning. After all the material and coke had been loaded and the surface, on the last layer exceeded 1000 oC , melting stopped. Not found molten metal – Sn or slag in the crucible. Only coke slag ash was found at the bottom levels of the shaft. What is the explanation that no metal was found ( Sn ) in the crucible? Is it possible that the partial vaporization pressure of SnO2 is so high?