In an allelopathic experiment, I have observed that sometime more inhibition of specific weed species occur at low rate of application of desired allelochemical, however, application of similar allelochmical, at higher rate of application did not produce much inhibitory effect. However, in totality, the differential rate of allelochemical (from lower to higher rates) produces inibitiory effect as compared to the weed check (no application of allelochemical). This is bit different from the hormesis phenomenon where the lower rate of application of allelochemical produces stimulatory response, whereas higher rates of application produces the inhibitory response. Moreover, in most of the published literature, increasing the rate of allelochemical produces the higher rate of inhibition.

Therefore, in light of above-said fact, I would like to know whether is there any phenonomon/ dose-response mathematical model describes the higher inhibition response of species at lower rate of allelochemical application rather than applied at higher rates??

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