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I wrot a sub code on opensees for active tlcd or tuned liqiud gass damper (tlcgd) and assign it to some structures, it seems worked correctly.

In next step i want to optimize tlcgds location on each story with some objects like max dislacement or torsion ratio and ... so i have to use multi objective optimization (which may NSGAII algorithm is the best choice) code or toolbox on matlab and simulink. For this purpose i want to run NSGAII algorithm in matlab, then algorithm Calling my code in opensees (tcl) and run it, after that NSGAII algorithm modify damper location (in opensees code) after each timehistory analysis In order to improve objectives and then analysis my code again and again until find best location for dampers.

Note that I actually want to changing dampers location be part of the NSGAII algorithm and the algorithm itself automatically relocation the dampers to get the best answer.

one best solution may use openseespy but i think it's not free access and i can't get it from iran, So i think realyhead Over heels in this case.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Take refuge in the right.

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