I've been in crossroads between signal resizing before segmentation using sliding window (or) feature resizing just after computing it within the window. Because I felt that signal resizing using interpolation techniques (or) padding techniques does change the pattern of the signal. Experts help needed.

For eg. I've 2 signals with length 3500x1, 2500x1 respectively. If I extract mean feature from the 1st signal I've 25 mean features from a window length of 100(1 sec), but I've 35 features for the next signal. So my question is whether there is any alternate way of doing this. I tried a crazy idea by taking the mean of the 1ms from all the 24 window, thereby having 100 features. In this way I'm able to get a fixed feature length of 100 as opposed to 24 in the previous case. for different length signals, but an expert told it was wrong. More input needed.

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