In top journal papers, there are many works which are being carried out on accelerometer signals. Most of them undergo the following steps

1. Handling signals with different length --- Never mentioned in any paper

1. Pre-processing(filtering out noise) - Optional

2. Signal Segmentation

3. Feature extraction

4. Supervised (or) Unsupervised learning

Nevertheless, none of the papers mentioned the technique used by them to handle signals of different lengths for example 600 secs to 13,200 secs variation(with same sampling rate 100Hz). Since such missing information can lead to inaccurate comparisons, i'm surprised that top journals didn't give importance to this issue. I would like to know the best technique to handle varied signal lengths. Please don't consider the sampling rate issue since all signals have the same sampling rate. I would like to know the most commonly used technique to handle signals with different lengths.

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