Those who reach the end of their studies are generally placed before the requirement to produce a dissertation, key to graduation. Positively, if you are in this situation, it is a privileged period during which you can focus on defining and analyzing a problem in a thorough and relatively autonomous way. For the most part, this part of your studies belongs to you, you must organize it; to you autonomy, to you also the risks.
Efficacious? Yes. College students need to demonstrate that they can generate knowledge before graduating.
Efficient? Often NO! This is because college students have never discovered and internalised how to generate knowledge . So suddenly they face the onerous job of suddenly having to discover how knowledge is created, and demonstrate their ability to do so.
It is preferable that the subject of an essay or research be named upon the admission of the student in the bachelor's degree and he will continue working on it until graduation because the theoretical aspect does not affect the student's ideas unless there is a practical aspect
This applys in colleges where there is a necessity to practical side. Other specialization may need only descriptive studies. Thank you so much for your answer dear Dr.
This may not be required or should not be made compulsory. Let students go practical in better way. This will help in developing scientific temper. Doing research at too early stage will kill creativity and students will have very narrow orientation.
Yes. The level of the research is chosen appropriate to the degree being completed.
Competency should be demonstrated, and something of value to the academic community should be produced.
The better education contains a research component. The lack of it shows a deficiency.
One common example is the masters degree program that can be chosen with or without a thesis. To continue to a doctorate program requires the masters thesis option or additional requirements in the doctorial path.
In some situations a masters degree does not proceed the doctorate. Albert Einstein did not have a masters degree, but it is arguable that his published work filled the void.
I agree with you that the research chosen should suit the students level of knowledge and training. I highly appreciate your valuable comments. Thank you so much.
I don't think it as a necessary step in graduation. What the students are doing nowadays is to copy what is there online and paste it in their papers without even understanding what they are copying.
In our college, it is obligatory to have at least one journal paper and two conference papers to get your Ph.D. In my opinion, I think that more restrictions will be good, for example, the journals should be at least indexed in Scopus or ThomsonReuters
In our country, we also obliged to publish two research papers in PhD study. But what we discuss here is the bachelor level. Thank you so much for adding your valuable answer.
Yes, It is agreed that it is important and has an impact on the development of the student's scientific research skills, especially if this paper is related to solving a problem within the student's exact competence
As the importance of research term has increased everywhere in the last few years, research papers should not be limited for only postgraduate students, but also undergraduate students should be involved in publishing. In some universities in developing countries, they teach the final year students how to convert their final projects to conference papers. It is not compulsory but it is preferred.