I am working on a research project to identify the relationship between sexual esteem and sadistic behavior. Both of my independent and dependent variable have been measured using standard questionnaires used in the field of research

* IV Sexual Esteem (5 point Likert scale, each item scored from 0-4 with a max scale score of 40): Snell and Papini, 1989

* DV Sadistic Behavior (1/0 dichotomous scale): Freund, Stein, & Chan, 1982

The problem is my DW is violating regression assumptions preventing me from running linear regression on my data. Since I am simply looking at correlation, most of the non-parametric tests does not suit my use case.

An alternative that works for me is to dichotomize my IV into LOW and HIGH categories. The split was done by categorizing scores > 20 as HIGH and scores < 20 as LOW. This allowed me to run meaningful non-parametric tests (such as Mann-Whitney U Test) which showed positive results.

However, dichotomizing seems to be discouraged in general, so my questions are:

1. Considering the situation I am in, is this something that I can explore further?

2. Are there any research that supports similar approaches?

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