When a child is born and up to an approximate age of around ten years, I have a feeling that all children have slightly more or less same thinking and reciprocating attitudes. Is Intelligence Quotient (IQ) same for all children? Give your comment.
As mentioned, all children Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is same. Their way of responding, understanding, reciprocating and communicating slowly changes which is dependent on the surrounding atmosphere and environment after an age of about 10 years.
Of course not! The average IQ of people is changing over time. The older you are, the more stable your test score will be. For children, cognitive intelligence varies from one to another.
IQ tests should be tailored to each child's personality. A shy child who loves isolation is different from a daring social child. The first needs to gain confidence and feel important then can express frankly what he thinks.
I think all the children have same intelligence quotient (IQ). The circumstances and environment changes their attitudes and their behaviour in turn reflects in their concentration and slowly their IQ changes.
Children at early ages, may have same intelligence coefficient (IQ). This changes as age goes up. Attitudes of children, environment, friends, house hold and education may change IQ of children and cannot be constant.
I do not agree that all children start from birth with the same cognitive abilities, as you said in your initial statement. I'm quite sure that there are genetic influences on IQ and furthermore, prenatal effects like e.g. hormone level or nutrition supply will contribute to the mental capacity.
No. Just think about their mathematical skills. Differences in mathematical skills among 10-year old children are very large, and IQ is closely related to mathematical skills.
I think Intelligence quotient (IQ) is same for all children, up to a certain age. The level of understanding, behaviour, attitude and environment changes their IQ levels as years pass. After a certain age, one can see the change in perception and mindset of a child.
I believe, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is same for all children at their younger ages. They all do what their parents or friends say. As the age goes up, each one behaves and goes in their way of thinking.
IQ differs varies in all child even if it varies between children of same parents. It is genetically and environmentally influenced traits. Such as feeding components, behavioral traits and genetic expression are among factors responsibility for this variation.
I agree with @ Thomas Neusius, not all children have same IQ from their birth. Lots of other factors play big role for developing intelligence before and after birth.
In my view, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) for children are same. The reason being, they come to unknown environment, make familiar themselves and think. This takes time. Gradually children attitudes be changing, their living environment and constraints also adds their IQ to change. For some, the change be less and for some, the change be more.
There is a large amount of factors that we bring on this world in the moment of birth. IQ isn't the same for all kids - just compare twins - it's very rare that they have the same IQ.
In September 2019 the US NIEHS released its draft report stating that Fluoride is now "presumed to be" a Neurotoxin with simlar properties to Lead. Please see the attached figure.
Dear Geoff Pain , to connect the finding you posted with the discussion: The figure gives an example how the IQ can be altered disadvantageously in a population by exposition to neurotoxins. As a consequence, even very young children may exhibit varying IQ values, as they were heterogeneously exposed to such chemicals. Potentially, such influences arise even before birth.
That fits in my previous argumentation: IQ is not equal among all children, not even upon birth.