Today everyone rates 'individual' quality of research in terms of Impact Factor that too only Thomson Reuters. Research that is not published in any journal without IF is not considered 'effective' and 'significant'. Advanced research based on 'sophisticated instrumentation' is at high ranking than the 'basic research' involving little instrumentation. For example floristic and conservation research in 90% of the cases (especially in forest bounded territories around the world) demand long-term observations and involve very strenuous, challenging and life risk factors, but ended up in many cases with 1-2 publications in national level journals that may not fall in TR fold. However the documented data and discoveries therein form the basis for taking up advanced research by other scientists.

Although attempts were made to fill the gaps at national level in many developing countries even the national agencies are not recognizing the national ratings. For example in India, NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences) is doing wonderful job in rating national and international Journals. This rating however is not popular or considered by higher education departments at national and state level.

I feel there is need to develop a precise mechanism in looking at research especially that focus on local and regional issues which may not attract international attention. Ultimately the objective of research is contributing something to humanity at local/regional/national or global level.

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