Feeling pain is uncomfortable, especially if it is severe .. While the feeling of happiness makes you feel comfortable and joy whenever the strength and intensity of this happiness
The longevity of happiness is lesser than that of pain. The burning sun is alive yet. Our body is full of pain. If I incise a needle in it I am hurt. But why?
Like everything pain and happiness are complimentary. Each colleague here has answered well indeed and properly given the question presented. Who would like more happiness and less to no pain-right? However this team goes with us hand in hand. Always good questions Rumani!
Happiness and pain are not two engines which powers can be compared. Happiness facilitates everyday life, whereas pain makes one's life miserable. And that's it.
The pattern I have observed is that people who tolerate less are less likely to receive pain than the more tolerant micro crowd. The more tolerant lot is more serious and sensitive to things and are rarely happy.
Tolerance of pain is an active process and requires varieties of energies and attributes, while enjoying happiness is almost an acquiescent and passive phenomenon.
There might be things like happy That I Am unhappy today cause it connects me to heaven. But then happiness is powerless. So it's the sadness which connects to the supernatural.
هناك صراع بين السعادة والألم في حياتنا فالسعادة تسمو بإخلاص أهلها وانسانيتهم وعملهم وكفاحهم أما الألم فيقوى إذا اشتد التناحر والتباعد في النسيج الأسري والاجتماعي وانعدام الثقة بالنفس ومغادرة الإنسانية
One must necessarily learn how to contemplate on PAIN ... It's the only way to realize the existence of the so-called involuntary muscles as well as the functioning of the sensory organs within one's own physical body ... then pain becomes a gain ... In reality, there is no distinction between pain and pleasure/happiness ... realizing such a state, which is the true nature of the physical body, may be called as physical `blissfulness'. The apparent distinction between the pain and pleasure can be transcended by the `self - enquiry' as prescribed by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi .......
Both are eternal feeling...expressions of our state of mind at or during that period of time.
"Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.".........J. Donald Walters.
As said by Will Rogers, "Pain is such an uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoyment." But again whether we will suffer for this pain or not......doesn't really depend upon us. So, Buddhist proverb says,"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
Painful experiences like break ups, losing loved ones, or losing a job make us more powerful because we learn to survive during these hard times. It’s when we put our survival instincts into practice that we can truly be strong.
Nevertheless, I believe, our feelings of pain is always more powerful than our feelings of happiness.
Even a small dose of happiness heals and gives birth to good, while a bad result requires a long time to experience pain (no matter if it is physical or emotional)!
Pain brings us closer to reality, makes us more aware and understanding of ourselves and the world we live in, i believe happiness is something we are always of in reckless pursuit, but happiness do not exist outside unless we are truly at peace with our own existence, it is pain that actually brings us happiness by teaching us, in many ways, to be better human beings.
Happiness is the toughest feeling to manage. The excitement and fanfare will give us a high and the period of lull or gloom, which occurs after a period of happiness, is really tough to manage psychologically for a human. We need a calm and composed mindset to maintain our own selves during happiness and sadness.
Living beings, especially humans, try to avoid pain. This reaction is strongest when the human being is in danger of life and death: Here pain occurs in its most extreme form. Happiness in its strongest form occurs during sexual climax. Biologically, the goal is the procreation of offspring. If death (= pain) prevails, this means the extinction of the species. Pessimists consider death of mankind by self-destruction possible and probable. Optimists assume that mankind will live on. What is "more powerful" cannot be said by the present. This is shown only by the history written by future generations (if they exist).
Positive happiness psychotherapy is a positive experience, but pain can be negatively conceptualized. If pain is conceptually therapeutic, it can have positive outcomes and, consequently, happiness can be distinguished, but if Pain tolerated in a therapeutic sense can turn into happiness.