Let us first understand that products, as such , do not create brands. It is the emotional attachment of the consumer with the product which ultimately results in branding. Smart marketers market the product by proposing the consumer either the uniqueness of the product or the price competitiveness of the product, thereby proposing some value. Value proposition, advertisement, sales promotion etc., may result in increase in sales but may not create customer loyalty, which is essential for branding. For creation of brand, the emotional attachment of the consumer is necessary and this can be achieved through personal interaction with customer, potential customer, retailer and so on. Therefore emotional attachment of the consumer with the product is essential for branding of any and every product.
It includes emotional benefits (feeling), rational benefits and human contact – interaction with your customer. Emotional branding focuses on the long-term customer relationship and encourages connectivity. The emotional aspect of products and their distribution systems will be the key differentiator between customers’ ultimate choice and the price they will pay.