We usually do PEI preciptation to move nucleic acid and ammonium sulfate precipitation before purificating a certain protein,then resolve the precipitate with binding buffer (20mM Tris pH 8.0,300mM NaCl,2.5% glycerol)of histrap with a ration of 1g:10ml, and filter. The conductivity is almost equal to that of 300-500mM NaCl. After that, we load the sample directly to the histrap column,however,the protein can't efficiently bind to the histrap(1ml/min for 1ml histrap).Most protein comes in the flowthrough.I don't think it is overloaded since the eluate is far less than the column's capacity .Is desalting neccessary before the histrap?In my opinion, it is not neccessary. but I am not quite sure.