Note: This is not a religious-based argument.
While life has undoubtedly evolved, Darwin's proposals for its origin and evolution lack a scientific foundation. The essence of my argument is that science relies on "causation" and "inductive reasoning," concepts which was opposed by David Hume in his philosophy. For instance, William Paley's watchmaker argument, rooted in inductive reasoning, was confidently dismissed by Hume without recognizing the anti-scientific nature of the rebuttal. Hume then proposed chance and time as explanations for order in the universe.
Darwin adopted this perspective, suggesting the origin of life in accordance with Hume's unscientific philosophy and interpreting the diversity and evolution of life based on minute chance differences during birth. Darwin's primary observations were limited to the end of production lines in nature, which, according to Richard Dawkins, "appear to have design written all over them" or "everything about a living organism screams at you it’s designed." It is evident that one cannot comprehend how automobiles are made solely by visiting an automotive museum. Nevertheless, Darwin's Hume-based argument was accepted as a scientific discovery and has since found acceptance among scientists.
I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my argument. Please refer to the attached PowerPoint presentation and its references for more details.
Presentation God: Valid Scientific Conclusion