The current interpretation of photons can easily be disproved for the information messengers that can bridge long ranges. Long range information messengers can keep their integrity during very long trips that last millions of years through (almost) empty space. Electromagnetic fields rely on the nearby existence of electric charges. For relative long range transport the EM field can provide this in plasmas and in special constructs, such as coax cables. These carrier systems cannot bridge cosmological distances. Our living space is a field that gets deformed by the nearby existence of massive objects. It is always and everywhere present. Thus, it is a much better candidate for long range information transport. The information messengers themselves must be solutions of differential equations that describe the dynamic behavior of the carrier field. All basic fields obey the same differential field equations. This is best described in terms of quaternionic differential equations. Quaternions are combinations of a real scalar and a three-dimensional vector that represents the imaginary part of the quaternion and can often be interpreted as the spatial part of the information that is stored in the quaternion.

It is not well known, but quaternionic differential calculus offers two different homogeneous second order partial differential equations. The solutions of these equations can act as information carriers.

One of the two equations is the equivalent of the wave equation. Its set of solutions covers waves and in odd numbers of contributing dimensions the solutions are fronts that keep their shape when they travel. The one-dimensional front also keeps its amplitude. The equation uses the quaternionic equivalent of d’Alembert’s operator 𝔔 = (∇ᵣ ∇ᵣ − ⟨𝞩,𝞩⟩).

The other homogeneous second order partial differential equation can be split into two first order partial wave equations. It uses differential operator ⊡ = ∇* ∇ = ∇ ∇* = (∇ᵣ ∇ᵣ + ⟨𝞩,𝞩⟩).

      χ = ∇* ∇ ψ = (∇ᵣ − 𝞩 )(∇ᵣ + 𝞩 ) (ψᵣ + 𝟁) = (∇ᵣ ∇ᵣ + ⟨𝞩,𝞩⟩) ψ

      χ = ∇* ϕ

      ϕ = ∇ ψ

This equation does not offer waves as part of its solutions. However, in odd numbers of participating dimensions, it also offers solutions that are fronts that keep their shape when they travel.

The one-dimensional fronts can travel huge distances without losing their integrity. They carry a standard bit of information that corresponds to a standard bit of energy. We call these solutions warps. The warps do not feature a frequency. They are one-shot trigger responses. To produce a frequency, the trigger must fire at equidistant instants. This makes photons treacherously similar to planar waves, but they are no planar waves.

Photons are known to obey the Planck-Einstein relation E = h ν. This means that the emitter of the photon must keep firing during a fixed period. It also means that, independent of their frequency, all photons must feature a fixed length.

In free space, the waves that are solutions of the wave equation must be spherical waves. The amplitude of spherical waves and spherical fronts diminishes as 1/r with distance r from the center. Thus, these solutions are unfit for long range information transport.

We call the spherical fronts clamps. If the clamps are integrated over a long enough period, then the Green’s function of the field for a point-like trigger results. Thus, the convolution of this Green’s function with the distribution of the trigger locations of the clamps represents the deformation of the field that is due to the swarm of trigger locations. Thus, each clamp represents a bit of mass.

Pair creation and pair annihilation of elementary particles go together with absorption and emission of photons. If swarms of clamps represent elementary particles and strings of warps represent photons, then the mass-energy equivalence corresponds with the fact that each warp converts in a clamp or vice versa.

Atoms can absorb or emit photons. This can then also be interpreted as if warps are exchanged for clamps.

On the other hand, it is quite clear that radio waves are electromagnetic waves. They represent vibrations of the electric field. The electric field and the embedding field obey the same wave equations. However, these fields differ fundamentally in the way that they respond to the triggers that affect them. So, somewhere there must exist a separation between the type of solutions that the EM field supports and the type of solutions that the embedding field supports. Long-range solutions are not EM vibrations. On the other hand, can microwaves lay at the break between EM vibrations and embedding field vibrations.

It is obvious that the triggers themselves must bring the solution. Clamps are responses to hops of point-like elementary particles. Waves depend on an oscillating stimulator. The swarm of hop landing locations can oscillate. It cannot hop. Only clamps can convert into warps and vice versa. Elementary particles hop. Their location swarm can oscillate. May be that neutrinos can do both.

Universe must at least feature two standard clocks. One ticks at the rate that hop landings are generated. The other clock ticks at the rate that photons are generated and clamp swarms are regenerated.

If this interpretation of the photon is correct, then the consequences of redshift must be re-interpreted.

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