Dirac introduced the bra-ket notation that strongly popularized the usage of Hilbert spaces. The bra’s and ket’s ease the handling of Hilbert vectors and the usage of the inner products of these vectors.

In quaternionic Hilbert spaces the values of inner products, the values of coefficients in linear combinations of Hilbert vectors and the eigenvalues of operators are quaternions. The factors of the product of two quaternions do in general not commute. Thus, the bra’s and ket’s must be handled carefully.

Like the quaternions themselves, the product of two quaternions can be split in a real scalar and an imaginary vector.

a = a₀+A

a ̽ = a₀−A

c = (c₀+C) = a b = (a₀+A) (b₀+B) = a₀ b₀ − 〈a,b〉 + a₀ B+b₀ A ± A×B

c₀ = a₀ b₀−〈a,b〉

C = a₀ B + b₀ A ± A×B

The ± sign reflects the choice between a right handed and a left handed external vector product.

〈x| is a bra vector. |y〉 is a ket vector. α is a quaternion.

〈x|y〉=〈y|x〉 ̽


〈αx|y〉=α 〈x|y〉

〈x|αy〉=〈x|y〉 α ̽

The reverse bra-ket notation can be used to relate a category of quaternionic operators to quaternionic functions.

Let {aᵢ} be a set of quaternions and let {|aᵢ〉} be a set of ket vectors that are normalized and mutually orthogonal.

〈aᵢ|aᵢ〉 = 1 and 〈aᵤ|aᵥ〉 = δᵤᵥ

Now in the separable Hilbert space ℋ the operator ℴ is defined by the reverse bra-ket method

ℴ ≡ |aᵢ〉aᵢ〈aᵢ|

The set {aᵢ} forms the eigenspace of operator ℴ. The set {|aᵢ〉} are the eigenvectors of normal operator ℴ. They span a subspace of the separable Hilbert space ℋ.

If the set {qᵢ} comprises all rational quaternions (quaternions with rational numbers as components), then operator ℛ is defined by

ℛ ≡ |qᵢ〉qᵢ〈qᵢ|

and represents a reference operator, whose eigenspace represents a parameter space.

Quaternionic number systems exist in several versions that differ in the way that they are ordered.

The set of orthonormal ket vectors {|qᵢ〉} represents a base of a complete infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space ℋ. We will use the symbol ℛ also for the eigenspace of operator ℛ.

The operator F defined by

F ≡ |qᵢ〉F(qᵢ)〈qᵢ|

relates quaternionic function F(q) with operator F and with parameter space ℛ.

For all bras 〈x| and all kets |y〉 holds:

〈x|F|y〉 ≡ ∑ᵢ 〈x|qᵢ〉F(qᵢ)〈qᵢ|y〉

We can perform the same trick in the Gelfand triple, which is a non-separable Hilbert space. Every infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space owns a companion Gelfand triple. These two Hilbert spaces can be related via the defining functions of their operators. The eigenspaces of operators that reside in the separable Hilbert space are per definition countable. The Gelfand triple supports operators that have continuums as eigenspaces.

The reference operators in the Gelfand triple are defined by:

ℛ ≡ |q〉q〈q|

Here we left the subscript ᵢ. The eigenvalues {q} form a continuum. Similarly, for the continuous function F(q):

F ≡ |q〉F(q)〈q|

〈x|F|y〉 ≡ ∫〈x|q〉F(q)〈q|y〉 dq

The summation is replaced by an integration over all {q}, thus over all quaternions that have real components.

We use the same symbol F for the operator F, the function F(q) and the continuum eigenspace. It is important to note that the operator F and the continuum F exist independent from the function F(q)! Selecting another parameter space {q}, results in a different function F(q).

The reverse bra-ket method relates the parameter spaces

ℛ ≡ |qᵢ〉qᵢ〈qᵢ| and  ℛ ≡ |q〉q〈q|.

Further, it relates the operators F ≡ |qᵢ〉F(qᵢ)〈qᵢ| and F ≡ |q〉F(q)〈q|.

The method shows that the same continuum F can be related to several pairs of functions and parameter spaces.


The reverse bra-ket method goes a step further than the outer bra-ket product between a ket |p〉 and a bra 〈q|.


The definition:

F ≡ |q〉F(q)〈q|

implicitly involves a complete base of eigenvectors {|q〉}  and eigenvalues {F(q)}

In fact it implies a sum:

〈x|F|y〉 ≡ ∑ᵢ 〈x|qᵢ〉F(qᵢ)〈qᵢ|y〉

or an integral

〈x|F|y〉 ≡ ∫〈x|q〉F(q)〈q|y〉 dq

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