From three to five years of age children's creativity is on the genius level. Later that creativity is pressed deep inside their beings.Basic reasons are negative influence to their creativity of parents, theachers, norms of society etc.
From three to five years of age children's creativity is on the genius level. Later that creativity is pressed deep inside their beings.Basic reasons are negative influence to their creativity of parents, theachers, norms of society etc.
More of this You can find in book Psychology in mamagement, author Abraham Maslow. Chapter 26, About creativity, Interview with profesor Michael Ray and his colleague Jackie McGrath.
I think it is as children's curiosity is at its peak during their formative years where they learn to explore their environment freely that lends to the development of their creativity.
50% of intellectual Development in a child happens by the age of four as per Bloom (1964), hence yes this -childhood- is the right age for development of the creativity framework on Happiness and joy creativity fostering behavior .
absolutely , however, I would suggest that it is more than creativity but a context based aesthetic education that helps children learn how to access the ethical impulse as suggested through the work of Gayathri Chakravorty Spivak. It is imperative to train our children how to think critically which is essentially what creativity is. Everyone has creative potential according to Carl Rogers and the younger we allow children to be able to think independently and encourage this, the better equipped they will be for the 21st century.