I wrote the summery of my experiment here.
I'm studding the effect of Heat Shock Protein 70 and 47 on skin tissue of rat.
Tissue Protein Extraction
1. Take samples from the freezer -80 C and place it in to the liquid nitrogen tube.
2. Pulverize the samples with a hammer using the lysis buffer (1ml T-PER:10µL of the cocktail) to dilute them.
3. Add 400 µL Lysis buffer (protein extraction buffer) for 1 gr sample.
4. Subsequently to destabilize the membranes we should use the sonicator 2 times for 2 seconds each time. Sample during sonicating must be on the ice.
Note: After sonicate, samples must be mixed with vortex mixer every 5 min during 30 minutes.
5. Centrifuge the samples for 30 minutes to 1 hour in 12000G at 4°C. (We used 20 minutes)
6. Pipette the supernatant and transfer it to the new tube and discard the decanted pellet.
7. Keep the protein samples in -20 C for western blotting.
8. Diluted the samples (supernatant) in lysis buffer.
Use the BCA kit to find my protein concentration, Load 50µg/20µl on 10% acrylamide gel for 1:30 hours for 120 Transfer in nitrocellulose on semi-dry machine for one hour 20V.
Block: 1 hour in 5% milk /1x TBS-T
Overnight primary HSP70 POLYCLONAL (Host: Rabbit) in 5% milk /1x TBS-T at 40C (1:1000)
Wash 4 times 15 min with 1x TBS-T
1 hour (1:10000) secondary mouse anti rabbit igG-HRP in 1x TBS-T
Wash 3 times 10 min with 1x TBS-T
1:1 super signal