
I have been trying to find an answer to this question without success. Maybe, some one can help me. 

I have been fitting dynamic occupancy models. I tested the most complex model with a Goodness-of-fit test as recommended by (MacKenzie & Bailey 2004; MacKenzie et al. 2006) and obtained no evidence of lack of fit (p>0.05) and c-hat= 1.17. I know c-hat should be 1 and if it is >1 data is probably over dispersed. However, how much higher than 1 is evidence of over dispersion? I have not seen a single model (GLMs) with a c-hat value of just 1, and I am wondering whether or not I should conduct model selection with QAIC, as my c-hat value is pretty close to 1. 

I will appreciate very much a response.


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