The delay factor is emulated by calculating the length of the received virtual packet and then using this value as the upper limit of delay and the lower limit of delay factor is 10 ms. Now the delay factor can be represented as:

t(packet) = rand(10, L)

where t(packet) is the processing time of a packet, L is the packet length, and rand() is the random function and virtual queue buffer has capacity limit set to the default value of maximum of 100 packets.

To simulate the load handling of server, virtual busses are loaded in the sender buffer which sends the data at the rate specified by bus instance attribute.The virtual receiver/server keep receiving data in the receiving queue and process the packets according to the delay factor for each packet in the queue. Therefore, single processing cycle delay can be represented as follows:

t(cycle) = n ∑ i (tpacket )

where n represents number of packets in single processing cycle.

With the addition of b buses, the cycle delay increases due to more data processing cost, the overall processing load is represented as follows:

t(overall) = t(overall) × b

Where b represents the number of busses whose data is being virtually sent to the IoT server. Now the average delay by the server is calculated and written below:

t(average) = t(overall)/ N

Where N represents the total number of packets present in the buffer queue at the end of processing cycle.

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