Dear colleagues,

we are delighted to invite you to participate in the ERGO study (ERGonomics in the Operating room). It is a 1-step survey to get a snapshot of the ergonomics conditions of the surgeons worldwide during their shift in the surgical room to detect their consequences and management in different specialties and healthcare systems . The baseline data obtained will help us to inform future  improvement initiatives and more granular analyses on the topic.

The responders must be surgeons/trainees in general surgery (and subspecialties) and other surgical specialties (gynecology, urology) currently  in activity (not retired).

RESPONDENTS from each center will be listed as COLLABORATOR (PubMed citable) in the resulting publications if consented to this at the end of the form.

This is the link to participate:

We thank you in the hope that you will complete our short survey, which will take only 5 minutes of your time.

The deadline for answering the questionnaire is 15th December 2023

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