Dear colleagues

We are starting to publish a new peer-review journal entitled: " Revive journal of wellbeing” is an international, peer-reviewed journal. RJW is designed to publish articles covering a broad spectrum of topics related to all aspects of medical and health sciences. We aim to create a top-level journal that publishes high-quality articles in the field of Medical and health sciences. The quality of a journal is in a way reflective of the quality of its Editor(s) and Editorial Board and its members. RJW is seeking energetic, qualified researchers to join its editorial board team as a member of the editorial board and reviewers. If you feel an expert in your field of interest, do not hesitate to write to me and join our journal. Applicants should submit their CVs with a complete list of peer-reviewed publications. The Review Board will consist of scholars willing to reviewing around 2-4 papers per year.

For further information and submission of your request (along with your CV) contact me:


[email protected]

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