BENOIT FL, MARTIN RL, WATTEN RH. Changes in Body Composition During Weight Reduction in Obesity: Balance Studies Comparing Effects of Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet. Ann Intern Med. 1965;63:604–612. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-63-4-604
Paoli, A., Bosco, G., Camporesi, E. M., & Mangar, D. (2015). Ketosis, ketogenic diet and food intake control: a complex relationship. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 27.
In both and in related papers you can find the body effects.
For example some effect are:
Ketosis has been demonstrated to exert an anorexigenic effect via cholecystokinin (CCK) release while reducing orexigenic signals, via ghrelin. However, ketone bodies (KB) seem to be able to increase food intake through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the release and production of adiponectin. Paoli, A., Bosco, G., Camporesi, E. M., & Mangar, D. (2015)
Ketogenic diet does not work unless you are a top athlete. Your fat metabolism will improve, but your carbohydrate metabolism will diminish, and for sport you need CHO metabolism. Only for long endurance 6+ hours it will work. For normal people it is hard to apply. Just a sensible diet would be more effective.
Intermitting fasting can help to break through a plateau, but it should be trained because the body is not just simply ready to deal with a lot of food at a short period of time. You need to train the gut and build up this diet. IT should also not be applied for a long period. More as a training/diet method, not as a regular diet.
Intermitting fasting can help to break through a plateau, but it should be trained because the body is not just simply ready to deal with a lot of food at a short period of time. You need to train the gut and build up this diet. IT should also not be applied for a long period. More as a training/diet method, not as a regular diet
باعتقادي الشخصي انه الصيام المتقطع أفضل للجسم وأفضل لفقدان الوزن من النظام الكيتوني لكون الصيام المتقطع لم يحرم الجسم من اي من المواد الضروريه المفيده له أو كونه نظام صحي معتدل عل عكس نظام الكيتوني الذي اكيد يعمل عل تنشيط بعض الخلايا التي تساعد عل فقدان الوزن عل حساب خلايا أو هرمونات أخرى موجوده بالجسم بالتالي حتما سيكون هناك أضرار جوانب سلبيه به وبهذا يكون الصيام المتقطع أفضل لصحه الجسم