Never missed my PC as I do now because would like to install Chem-structure drawer software on my MAC but it seems to be hard to find. Do you have any tips or suggestions.
I would try ChemDraw, ChemBioDraw, or ChemBioOffice, etc., all from the same company (cambridgesoft, which is now owned by Perkin Elmer) There is a range of products with different capabilities and prices. The Office version has a 3-D modelling program included, formerly called Chem3D but now called ChemBio3D, and this is also available separately. is the website for the chemistry drawing program, and you can navigate to the other versions. This software was first developed on a Mac and has run on both Mac and PC for quite a while (and now runs on the iPad). I have used it essentially since it was first released (I don't remember when- late 1980s maybe?) and recommend it wholeheartedly. I do not have any financial connection to the company.
I forgot to mention that I would use it privately and maybe 1-3 times a year so I think it's not worth buying a software that would cost 600-1400 dollars. Trying to find free download software.
That does change things. However, my institution, which is large and spread over a number of campuses, buys a site license every year, so the cost for an individual per year is considerably less than $100. That is practical for some, but not for all.
As for truly free software, Jmol is an open source program that can be used to display proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules for free. See: