I understand that identification into species is not possible, may be genera? This bladder on dead tree branch was about 1 m over the graund. Bladder (or swalling) till 50 cm long and about 25-30 wide. Ants enough small 3-4 mm.
Тут чудова праця по мурашкам Кракатау, завантажити не можна, та читати - так. Але вона аж 1924 року опублікована, тому систематика може дещо відрізнятись, треба перевіряти.
З повагою,
Катерина Віталіївна Ляшина
м.н.с. кафедри мікробіології, вірусології та імунології з курсом і/хв
first of all thanks, but I needs comments of what is clear Osman, during such jorney with limited time not everything is possible. Moreover, I'm not specialist on ants. So, please, can say smthng?
As well Nadia and Katherine - please, wright in English, as Ukrainian is hardly underst. for publicity and we should follow rules of RG.
I know, actually, the famous work of Wheeler from 1924, where had been noted 35 species from Krakatau! BUT IT IS ARCHIPELAGO.
SORRY, my mistake that I didn't sad that I'm speaking about ANAk KRAKATAU - the Volcano that didn't exist in the period of investigation of wheeler and a lot of dutch scientists!!!
So, the crater of ANAK KRAKATAU was formed firstly in 1928. The last serious erraption was in 2012.
A'm attaching couple photos for you to see the difference. Left on the photos is cone of the pevious (1883) rests of giant crater KRAKATAU
1 Photo - left LANG and wright KRAKATAU
2 Photo Krakatau - not active wall rests inv. by Wheeler (see his map)
3 Photo Anak Krakatau - extra active volcano, what I'm talking about!
4 Photo - Sebesi (15 km far)
5 Photo 5 Krakatau, Verlaten, Anak Krakatau & Lang !!! Except of these some small islands...