In order to export products to Europe certain protocols must be abided to. What is the process flow of exporting products for example to Russia? And what variable costs are involved in this process?
Similarly, certain standards, set on national level, must be followed in the case of Russia (in Russia, it is GOST system). WTO does not prohibit countries to adapt stricter rules than the international ones, but they must be based on scientific argument and adopted non discriminatively. The costs are simply based on the product, but generally, Russian rules are stricter (at least on paper). On the other hand, Russia gradually adopts international SPS and TBT standards. Much bigger problem lies in implementation and their practical use.
Hard to say, frankly. The point is that Russian rules are rather chaotic and strict now (adopting absolute instead effective zero), while implementation is in question. But, anyway, Rosselkhoznadzor and Rospotrebnadzor as the main supervising bodies should give some authoritative information.