11 November 2013 5 9K Report

I find a lot of programs don't actually take the time to explain what it is, and instead go for more of an "applied" look at the field saying "With CS, you can do this" like an Applied CS program that would focus on programming instead of any CS. I mean, a CS graduate should be able to tell me a little about Computer Science, what is the core of the field, and how we do things in CS, and if it is applied research, how it impacts their research (if that is the case). As somebody who has been on both ends of student and teacher, I have found this trend is getting worse (even in a span of, say even 5 years but this has been happening for a while). I find as industry ever populates the needs of many CS programs, the meaningfulness of CS is slowly being saturated and becoming less formal and more applied without a formal backbone, thus reducing the quality of the science being taught in exchange for more "now" results instead of "for the future" results. I find this may put a lot of the integrity of programs in jeopardy in exchange for the "almighty" dollar.

I am wondering what are other researcher's thought on this possible trend in CS education? Any drawbacks of doing this (some are obvious if one wants sound scientific/mathematical research), or are there benefits to reducing the quality of the knowledge a CS student should have in order to trade off for misunderstanding of computation in exchange for focus on implementation and programming instead? Is this happening in your region, or has your region been not too much affected by this trend?

My concern that this is already in effect in many places, and will maybe continue to perpetuate. A simple core example of this is when one uses programming as a synonym for "Computer Science" which is not only frustrating, but not even accurate and diminishes the quality of how society perceives Computer Scientists. What's next, are we going to call Biology, "Microscopes"? It seems lots of programs are not as interested in producing computer scientists/mathematicians, but instead only programmers.

What are your thoughts on this, as a whole?

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