Hello research experts!
I'm currently performing research into different types of survey designs, response coding and analyses. I came across a citation I was hoping someone might be able to decode:
"When creating response scales, it's important to take into consideration its orientation. While there are many caveats and exceptions when creating response items, one effect is that respondents tend to favor the left side of a response scale. Take the following two response options:
Strongly-Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly-Agree
Strongly-Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly-Disagree
If you code the values from 1 to 5 for the first scale and 5 to 1 on the second scale then you’ll have a higher average score on the second response option".
I'm just slightly confused as to how the average score would change in the second response item scale, since it's been inversely coded from the first, so my thinking is that the average shouldn't change, but there may be something crucial I'm missing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!