The universal understanding of spirituality is that of having a sense of connectedness with all living and non-living members of life.  Spirituality holds within it higher forms of human expression such as compassion, empathy and unconditional love. In this perspective, love can be seen as the complete and deep understanding that we all come from the one true source of life so creating the attitude shift, at least energy source to cultivate higher forms of human expression and maintain the necessary vigilance towards moving away from a reactive state of living which is driven by emotional or thought based resistance to what is in the present moment and or perceived to have happened or what is going to happen.

Children are conditioned from a very early age to behave reactively completing a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Sound spiritual, therefore emotional awareness and emotional intelligence can undoubtedly provide humanity with people less prone to negative or destructive modes of living and more prone to forging healthy environments.

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