Which is more accurate and preferred in calculation of maintenance doses of different electrolytes in ICU patients (adults or pediatrics) who receive TPN is using the IBW (ideal body weight) or the actual weight?
Thanks a lot Dr/ Morban, ok, actually my patients are mainly cancer patients who are undergo different GIT surgeries (gastrectomy, jejunectomy,....etc), hemo-dynamically stable.
But if the patient is edematic, is the calculations differ???
I prefer actual body weight, because if edema is present electrolyte imbalance to be corrected more quickly. But albumin level should be corrected at the same time. If the patient is able to take meal orally.
The actual body weight for sure, during the times I worked in the hospital we used to use the actual body weight but taking into consideration if there is edema, ascites, any metabolic disorder which forces us to use pre-edema weight according to information provided by the a contious patient or by a family member that knows, but in cases we dont have pre-edema weight we will use the Ideal body weight after placing the patient in the ICU on a bed that measures his weight, based on our percise calculations we will prepare his diet wether enterally or parenterally.
You are right to prefer IBW to actual body weight, when you do not know pre-edema weight, but to identify and treat causes of edema or ascites is important as correction of electrolytes imbalance itself.
it is true what you said for sure, in case of ascites drainage must be done so electrolyte balance becomes better, and in case of edema proper medication must be provided to releave the case. but until these processes are done which takes time and we cant leave the patient that much without proper nutrition so IBW is used.
I think you are right, and bed with body weight scale that reports day by day or hour by hour petient's weight will help you, so you know IBW/Real Body Weight ratio.