Supposing we are analyzing blood flow through arteries. The arterial walls are porous and generally Darcy Law is used and Beaver-Joseph (BJ) condition is used as the matching condition at the lumen-wall interface. BJ condition is valid only in a densely packed porous medium of large thickness so that the variation in velocity in it can be neglected and the flow is governed by Darcy equation. Is it justified to neglect the viscous effects in the porous wall? Or should we use Brinikman Equation? But to do so, the porosity should tend to unity. As proposed by Williams and employed by Rudaiah, in a general context, should we employ the matching condition that the shear produced by the fluid in the channel must be proportional to that in the porous layer? So, what precisely is the nature of the porous arterial wall and what actually is the appropriate boundary condition at the interface?