I am currently working on a dataset that has PSD values of EEG frequency bands. I have modified the feature space by adding EEG frequency power ratios into the feature space. I am trying to predict the emotion Confusion using the dataset. This follows a binary classification approach.

I have conducted feature selection by selecting the features that linearly corelates with Confusion emotion (target variable). However trained SVM, KNN, Naive Bayes models show very poor accuracy (0.4 to 0.5) range. I used Ensemble ML algorithms XGBoost and Random Forest. The accuracy increased upto 0.6. I tuned the hyperparameters as well for RF. Still the accuracy didn't surpass 0.7. I even used genetic algorithm for hyperparameter optimization, still accuracy did not increase.

I would like to know what more can I do to increase the accuracy.

Thanks in Advance

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