What could be the implications of the strong nuclear force being the one that generates the gravitational force? It is the strongest of the fundamental interactions.
It could use for example another dimension and no one has theorized about it!
What exactly do you mean by that:'Implications of strong nuclear force generating gravity'
'It could use for example another dimension and no one has theorized about it!'- I probably did that successfully , intuitionally(with mine resolution) in Sept .27.2021
I am not ready with the article (I have little time for research, basic background information is not available to me)
Here is the abstract:
Research Proposal Physico-metaphysical proof of the existence of graviton (Fiz...
I wrote an example going backwards (I attached an image), its a example with no extradimensions (just 3+1) extracted from a paper, anyway nobody tries with dimensions, I suppose they are afraid!
The real doc is this one, as I explain at the beginning, nuclear force has a very small scope of action, but backwards (image attached) looks fine.
Article Superconducting Field Theory (the Unification Theory)
I suppose it should have big implications (sociological, environmental...).
No. How to describe the strong interactions is known for 50 years, so it would be better to learn about it instead of writing things that can't make sense.
Stam Nicolis So because the strong interactions is known for 50 years it can't be who generates gravity? You are not very smart isn't it? please give another reason...
Warren Frisina Strong force confines quarks and gluon is the exchange field, 3 gluons I suppose are the strong force? (maybe I have to update my paper???). I prefer to say strong force just because is better known.
Anyway neutrinos have a history for more than 50 years, and lot of people is working on it (in fact I don't like, but there it is).
Gravity is generated by spin-2 fields, known as gravitons, the strong force by spin-1 fields (known as gluons).
The symmetry transformations that define gravity are the general coordinate transformations, of the spacetime coordinates, that define the group of diffeomorphisms; the symmetry transformations, that define the strong force, are the gauge transformations of fields, that belong to the adjoint representation of the SU(3) Lie group, that act on the fields, not the spacetime coordinates. Gluons belong to the adjoint representation, quarks to the fundamental representation, of SU(3).
Matter, whether quarks, gluons (or leptons, the W and Z bosons, the photon, or the Higgs) couples to gravity through the corresponding energy-momentum tensor-which mans that the particular field content doesn't matter: Anything, that produces the same energy-momentum tensor, affects spacetime-thus gravity-the same way.
Now Einstein's equations imply that their RHS is proportional to the ratio of
the energy scale of matter to the Planck scale-which implies immediately that any hadronic energy scale has negligible effect on spacetime (example: The energy scale at the LHC is ~10 TeV= 10^4 GeV, whereas the Planck scale is ~10^(19) GeV, so the ratio is 10^(-15). ) That's why the strong force doesn't affect and can't affect the spacetime geometry.
This is in all textbooks of any course in physics now.
That statement doesn't mean anything. The strong force is affected by the charges that define it, i.e. the color charges. Spin only enters the dynamics through the so-called spin-orbit coupling, since spin (along with mass) is defined by the Lorentz group, not the gauge group.
Incidentally all this holds for electrodynamics, too-the gauge group only changes ( U(1) instead of SU(3)).
Sergio, I'm saying that instead of from gluons the strong force is possibly from a variation of gravity. The write-up is in the reference: (5) Gluon or gravity? | LinkedIn
Anyway I have modified something in my paper, gluon is not who give mass (nor Higgs). 2 quarks joined by gluon haven't real mass as far as I know, we need 3 quarks, so talking only about gluon is not (maybe) appropiate.
I think much more, all the energy from an atom at last (just a calculation about its space),but is something that I haven't investigate deeply. I suppose more similar to a nuclear bomb than TNT.
Wolfgang Konle My point of view is the strong nuclear force from an atom, estimated at 1000Kg is exerted by the vacuum trying to expand. The energetic vacuum helps to create that shape and at the same time its motion create an electromagnetic flux (a compund of forces explained at the middle of the paper).
Article Superconducting Field Theory (the Unification Theory)