01 January 2017 5 8K Report


I usually perform immunofluorescence on cells grown on coverslips. But this time im growing them on transwell inserts. All the fixing and antibody staining/wash steps will be soaking the transwell into wells containing the respective solutions. However i am not sure if my mounting protocol would fit the transwell membrane. 

What i intend to do is after fixing/permeabilization/antibody stainiing/washing steps, i will cut the membrane of the transwell insert then place it on a glass slide with cells facing upwards. Now this is the tricky part, the mounting media i normally use is not the 'gooey sticky' type but rather almost like water (if you can imagine- Mounting medium is in attached picture)  . If i add drops of this watery mounting medium onto the cut membrane and then place coverslip over it, will it 'stick'? It has to stick. Also, im not sure if the transwell membrane thickness will be too much such that the coverslip and glass slide cant even touch one another.

If you are not familiar, i will still appreciate any comments/suggestions.

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