it depends on what kind of volume you want to make.
if you make small volume (1mL per run) the mini extruder from avanti is really good and all the spare pieces are available from Sigma-Aldrich which is usally fast on delevery.
if you are make bigger volume a barrel-extruder (pressure extruder) is a good idea.
i am using both the mini-extruder from avanti and the liposofast from Avestin (5-50 mL)
You can also look at getting a NanoAssemblr which does the same thing. Really depends on what you are trying to encapsulate and what volumes you are planning on working with.
I am having few addresses of liposome extruder providers. Please see if it is of help to you. May be you can ask for a quick quote with product specification.
Best regards
List of Vendors:
1. Santosh Kandhi
Northern Lipids Canada
Regional Manager
Inkarp Instruments (P) Ltd
T +91-79-2682 0865-866
Mobile +91-98248 51535
2. Ramesh R
Chairman & Managing Director*
for M/S Avestin Inc, Canada
Medi Analytika India Pvt. Ltd.
# 6, Adyar Bridge road, Chennai – 600 020, India
Tel : +91-44-2446 0988/2446 3084/2446 3085; Fax :+ 91-44-2446 3931,
T&T Scientific's extruders provide the fastest, cleanest and easiest way to prepare Liposome. They are single use which eliminates any risk of batch to batch contamination, and there is no need to spend 30+ minutes with cleaning and assembly.
T&T's NanoSizers are the most advanced extrusion technology available, and anyone can easily Order Free Samples and test them out.
Plus another benefit of NanoSizer is that when it comes time to scale up, there are there is the NanoSizer AUTO series for completely automated extrusion of anywhere from 10 mL to hundreds of liters. These devices significantly improve the repeatability and consistency of results by every time controlling the extrusion flow rate, number of extrusion passes and, the extrusion temperature.