A 3-spherical geometry for the Universe was once proposed by Einstein and is still held by others.

For example, a 3-spherical geometry could explain Big Bang evidence, such as:

  • The redshift of galaxies.  Explained by geometrical lensing from the geodesics of S3.
  • The CMB.  Could be caused by diffused light from geodesics originating from “behind” earth’s antipode, etc.

I’m sure there is more evidence for the Big Bang, but the two above are the most cited.

The reason I’m considering that particular geometry for the Universe is that the existence of matter-waves can be attributed to S3 motional geometry.

One more thing, the dimensions of the 3-sphere are assumed to be spatial and do not include time as a dimension.  The fourth dimension of the hypersphere is unobservable therefore unknown.

If that’s the case, the need for a Big Bang becomes questionable.

Your comments, please.


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