? Do you normally get 3 distinct subpopulations (indicated as R2-green , R3-blue and R4-red as in A. of the attached slide), or one uniform live population in the FSC/SSC as in B. of the attached slide? (I tried 2 different settings in SZ95 control cells stained with Nile Red).
R2 would correspond to SZ95 cells with increased size and increased granularity, R3 would correspond to large cells with less granularity and R4 to small sized cells with low granularity. And also, in order to assess Nile Red staining what gating strategy would you employ? For instance would you gate separately on each subpopulation and ask for FL1 or altogether?(We have a Partec FACS machine, equipped with a 488nm laser only, therefore we can detect Nile Red on the FL1 channel only and therefore can assess triglycerides and not polar lipids).