The two instruments used to identify such types are the empathy quotient (EQ) and the systemising quotient (SQ).
A scan of the literature suggests that the most common reported method is:
"......Empathising and Systemising scores were first converted into z‐scores. The participant’s Brain Type was then identified by calculating for the discrepancy between the two sets of z‐scores: “Systemising z‐score – Empathising z‐score”. A solution greater than 1.0 from the equation represented the ‘male’ brain profile, while a solution less than ‐1.0 represented the ‘female’ brain profile. A score between 1.0 and ‐1.0 represented a ‘balanced’ brain profile...."
Just wondering if other techniques have been used? I have come across a paper when a 'D' score was calculated.
Does anyone have any insights into this? I am applying the z-score approach to different measurements, but the measurements I am using are suggested to reflect similar characteristics of the EQ and SQ. I just need to make sure I cover all the bases. If the z-score approach is the recommend and gold standard one, then I will stick to this.
Thanks in advance.