Dear Ahmed Mohy Eldin thanks for asking this interesting technical question. If you have just prepared a new manuscript, you can for example check the list of references. Authors of the more recent papers which you cited could be named as possible reviewers. I also made the experience that very useful information can be found right here on RG. For example, when you search RG for the term "plastic microbial biodegradation" and then click on researchers, you will get a list of four RG members who are experts in this field:
In your work, please accout for metabolism of plasticizers and other additives. As these can compose up to 10% and sometimes greater part of "plastics", their biodegrdation can incorrectly be presumed to represent that of the plastic.
The reviewer having experiences in plastic microbial biodegradation. One has to contact the institute where the work on polymer has been carried out like NCL Pune , IIT Mumbai, IIT Delhi in India.