The survey is a Likert-type scale of just two pages. It is easily administered and the topic would be great for someone interested in publishing in a top-tier journal or writing a dissertation.
I would be delighted to communicate with you in detail about the survey and its validity. Here is a copy of the survey. I have documented all of the items from scholarly research. The survey is currently being translated into two languages, besides English, and is being administered in West Africa and in China. Also attached is my contact information.
Good afternoon Dr. Caldwell and Happy Father's Day where ever you are. I just saw this message and I downloaded the survey. It is not hard to read or answer but there are a lot of questions. How do you then determine the level or a person's humility?
The questionnaire will enable identifying Variance Accounted For and the factors that best define humility -- as those factors relate to "enlightened leadership." I anticipate that the factors will vary according to such things as country of origin, degree of religiosity, etc. The questionnaire is NOT designed to measure the level of a person's humility -- but measures humility as a leadership-related construct. I hope that answer is clear. Kindly contact me if you have more questions!
I would like to use the instrument on family business owners. Have you used it on any such sample? May be it can lead to a study in family business domain!
That project should be interesting. Can I assist you? I have the documentation of the content for the survey instrument and the book I have written should be a useful resource for you.