It could be beyond the detection limit of EDS or else using low accelerating voltage during EDS. As Br k(alfa)=11.907 keV, so you should use more than 15 to 20 keV to get Br k alfa particular when concentration is too low.
It could be beyond the detection limit of EDS or else using low accelerating voltage during EDS. As Br k(alfa)=11.907 keV, so you should use more than 15 to 20 keV to get Br k alfa particular when concentration is too low.
In EDX you take the several micro/nano size region of specific area of your sample to detect the elements , hence its sometime may not be observable/missing. Scan much more area at different part of the sample you may find Br. I feel XPS is more authentic than the EDX. After XPS analysis of your sample , i can say you have Br in your sample. 0.55 % is very negligible which is present on the surface of your sample.
0.55% of Br is easily detectable by EDS, but you need at least 20 kV accelerating voltage (as was said by Sujoy Sarkar) of K line (11.9 Kev), or 5-10 kV for L line (1.48 Kev, overlapping with Al). Acquisition time should be pretty long.