I have developed a node ranking library and implemented some methods based on k-shell and some others. Kindly suggest me journals where I can publish this library.
You can go to Scimago Journal & Country Rank (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php), and search for journals by subject areas, and then, check which journal is suitable for your library.
Generally good journals, has high Impact Factor (IF), and belongs to Quartile 1 (Q1).
In my opinion the best place to publish a software library is a software source code repository such as github.
If your implementation is based on new methods/algorithms or is done in a more efficient way then it could be published as a research paper but dissemination of results is mandatory - containing qualitative or/and quantitative progress description in the area concerned.
Just go to Scopus and search, there is a number of titles on library and information sciences. Select the suitable titles base on your criteria and submit as per author guideline of publishers.