Hi dear scientists!

I am trying to find a transition state using QST2 and rob3ylp 6-31g(d,p)... Nevertheless, in all cases my run fails..

The next paragraph appear in my file.log:

"Old curvilinear step not converged, using linear step:

SCX= 1.10D+01 DXMaxT= 5.53-319 SCLim= 0.00D+00 Fact= 0.00D+00

RedCar/ORedCr failed for GTrans.

Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/src/g09/l101.exe at Thu Feb 7 11:27:17 2019.

Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 46 minutes 40.2 seconds.

File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1"

First I was trying to add in the input file SCF=xqc, but this keyword do the run very slow... so, I decided to add SCF=fermi.

Nevertheless my run fails again!! :(

I am attaching the file.log if someone could help me to solve this problem.


With kind regards,

Julián Sánchez :))

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