4 Questions 268 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Uttam Pal
I have seen people use movie clips/stils in their presentations. However, can a movie still or a still from a video game be safely used in a publication? Is there any example where people used...
04 April 2018 3,635 7 View
What are the proteins most studied by crystallography or NMR? I think it's lysozyme, which has more than 1500 entries in PDB. There are 721 entries for hemoglobin and 574 for HIV-1 protease. What...
01 January 2016 1,865 3 View
I need to record an oxygen–haemoglobin dissociation curve. What kind of experimental set up is required for it? All the experiments I found on the internet are so ancient, I wonder if such...
09 September 2013 4,973 5 View
I have four proteins A, B, C and D. A is a transmembrane receptor and its the substrate that gets phosphorylated in its cytosolic domain. B is the kinase, therefore, Mg++ and ATP dependent. B also...
05 May 2013 7,306 16 View