You need to ascertain few things first. The primers you are using are meant to amplify full length or partial gene. If the primers are designed to amplify partial gene, then what is the expected band size. It is quite possible that all the primers are amplifying a similar size of product.
Your query seems slightly incomplete.......'all bands are same' in what sense? Have you checked them on agarose gel....kindly pay attention to the following points...
1) You may have designed different primers for the three these primers give same length product....check this out....if the product length is same or very similar you may not be able to see them as 'different' on agarose gel (their separation will also depend upon the concentration you have used...if you had done this on gel).
2) keeping above point in mind ....see that the same sized bands (even if they are) on a gel...does not mean they are same sequence
3) Have you compared the PCR products on the gel along with the marker.....are they coming in the expected size range.......up load a photograph of the will be also clear to us
4) and if you have not compared them with a DNA may just be looking at the primer dimers..
5) Also...possibility of a contimation cannot be rule out also....
I suggest you consider the above points and compare your products on a concentration of gel that can differentiate them and also with a DNA ladder....
and most important....make sure your cDNA preparation is fine....
I think your reaction look may have to decrease primer concentrations and as suggested researchers...check your expected sizes of the products...before getting worried why they are same or similar sized.....
Check primers and expected size of product, decrease primer concentration and also check dNTPs conc. The best way to clear all confusion send then for sequencing and see whether its same what you expect.