Dear Potential Participants,
For nearly a decade, I have been researching the use of bedside sonography in hemodynamic assessment of intravascular volume status (and related topics). Study logistics and getting enough critical mass at a single institution always have been my -- and probably your -- greatest limitation to collecting voluminous enough data for truly robust statistical analyses and comparisons.
Would there be interest "out there" to participate in an IRB-approved, centralized repository of standardized sonographic hemodynamic data in exchange for full access to collective data and authorship based on pre-defined criteria?
Examples of data to be collected/entered: IVC dimensions & collapsibility; Other central vein dimensions & collapsibility; Central venous pressures; Pulmonary artery catheter parameters (yes - this "dinosaur" is getting retired, but before it does, let's compare it to something we're going to use for the next 100+ years); Conventional vital signs; Ventilatory parameters (PEEP, Airway Pressures, etc).
Please let me know... Once a "coalition of the willing" is assembled, we can perhaps change and redefine the way our world views ultrasound in the ICU...