I have already read all the research papers including session videos on direct selling and found some gaps in the study. I need your suggestions so that I can compare them with my work. Hoping to get a response soon.
You already have done the main two works of three works to generate a potential research topic. (1) You have done literature review and (2) you have recognized the research gap. (3) Now you think about the research gap and create a suitable research title. I believe you can create a good research topic based on the research gap.
Swati Jogi I agree with Md. Sirajul Islam ; if the research gaps you have identified in your presentation [Effect of Online advertisement on Consumer buying behavior, July 2021, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21313.48482 indicate your focus interest, then you should explore those areas and see what resonates! Be prepared to revisit your literature review several times as you explore the feasibility of research in rural areas in India, target population, age, and experience with / acceptance of online media, trust issues and illiteracy, and changing perceptions. Do not ignore gender issues and access to media. As you begin to define your own research area, be sure to explore other areas in which online direct media have had impact - like micro-finance, tele-medicine, co-op marketing, and rural healthcare. Similar issues would be encountered in those areas as in direct sales. Best wishes,
Hi. Reading some of the latest trends related to direct selling followed by the largest companies , their customers responses along with the literature gaps identified from the various articles in relevant Journals can instill fruitful ideas.
some important takeaways are available in the following link in this regard:
What is your research question? What do you want to know?
If you must write the dissertation, and perform all of the laborious tasks to make that writing happen, you must not do it for other people, or for some requirement, but rather, do it for yourself. Performative research and writing is dry and lifeless. If you are researching a question you actually want to learn the answer to, then the investment of your "self" is evident and the project becomes interesting. You will need self-motivation to succeed and a good question that interests you can help to provide that interest.
Thank you @JosephRobertshaw for your suggestion. But there is a problem that it should not be only of my interest as the topic and synopsis is going to be approved by the guide and the pannel. So I need to decide carefully. But still, your words motivated me. thank you
if you have to perform phd in such a new concept ...DIRECT SELLING......You can make a case study of its strategies ...principles...goals and last how to achieve success in such profession for long term....
By this way you can help others to adopt such field which are interested in such profession....