Apart from plasma activation, PDMS can be made hydrophilic by treating it with Piranha solution (and maybe KOH in an elaborate approach).

I found two papers reporting this effect. Interestingly, both report very different treatment times.

The following suggests treatment in the order of 30-60 seconds for efficient PDMS-PDMS bonding using Piranha activation:

Koh, K.-S., Chin, J., Chia, J., & Chiang, C.-L. (2012). Quantitative Studies on PDMS-PDMS Interface Bonding with Piranha Solution and its Swelling Effect. Micromachines, 3(4), 427–441. http://doi.org/10.3390/mi3020427

Another paper reports treatment times >10 minutes for increasing hydrophilicity of the PDMS:

Maji, D., Lahiri, S. K., & Das, S. (2012). Study of hydrophilicity and stability of chemically modified PDMS surface using piranha and KOH solution. Surface and Interface Analysis, 44(1), 62–69. http://doi.org/10.1002/sia.3770

Contact angle and bonding strength are both linked to the amount of Silanol groups. However, both papers give very different suggestions on the treatment time.

Is there any other hands-on experience on treatment time with Piranha for generating a hydrophilic surface of PDMS?



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