Yes, it is possible to implement Huffman image compression without using built-in functions. Here are the general steps involved in Huffman image compression:
1. Divide the image into blocks or pixels.
2. Calculate the frequency of occurrence of each block or pixel in the image.
3. Create a Huffman tree using the frequency information. This involves building a binary tree where each leaf node represents a block or pixel and its frequency, and each internal node represents the sum of the frequencies of its child nodes.
4. Assign a binary code to each block or pixel based on its location in the Huffman tree. This involves traversing the tree and assigning a 0 or 1 bit to each edge of the tree, depending on whether the left or right child node is followed.
5. Replace each block or pixel in the image with its corresponding binary code.
6. Save the Huffman tree and the binary code representation of the image to a file.
To implement Huffman image compression without using built-in functions, you would need to write custom code to perform each of these steps. This would involve writing code to read and write image files, calculate block or pixel frequencies, build the Huffman tree, assign binary codes, and replace the blocks or pixels in the image with their binary codes.
While implementing Huffman image compression without built-in functions can be a challenging task, it can also be a rewarding learning experience and can help you develop a deeper understanding of how image compression works.
It reshapes the bytearray to match the original image data shape and saves the encoded image to a file.
The program assumes that the Huffman code dictionary maps each symbol to a unique binary code. If the Huffman code dictionary is not optimal or does not map each symbol to a unique binary code, the program may not produce the expected results.