19 October 2022 2 6K Report

Dear all

I have a set of balance panel data, i:6, t: 21 which is it overall 126 observation. I decided that 1 dependent variable (y) and 6 independents variables (x1,x2......).

First: I do unit root test it shows:

y I(I)

x1 I(0)

x2 I(I)

x3 I(I)

x4 I(0)

X5 I(I)

x6 I(0)

If I would like to run panel data regression (Pooled, Fixed Effect and Random Effect), is that the correct form for inputting the model in Views:

d(y) c x1 d(x2) d(x3) x4 d(x5) x6


Shall I sort all variables in the same difference level, adding "d" to all ?

please correct if I am wrong, these are the steps I would like to conduct the statical part of a panel data:

1. Test Unit Root

2. Panel Regression?


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